Friday, September 28, 2007

My Destination Ends at You

My Destination Ends at You
a Scene Stream exercise

Character 1: Brian (Littrell - Jesus Loves You)
Character 2: Nelly (Furtado - Say It Right)

While driving to work one morning, (Brian) decides to pass the office and keep on driving.

Time: 20 minutes (start: 11:34pm)

Brian, what are you doing? You just missed the exit.

BRIAN doesn't say anything.

You know that I have a meeting at 9:30 with the marketing person from Tokyo. I can't miss it.

You'll talk to him next time.

You crazy? I've been prepping for this presentation for a month now. I even learned some Japanese.

Like what?

Like, "I need this job!"

That doesn't sound like Japanese to me.

That's because my Learn to Speak Japanese in 1 month book is on my desk where I need to go but you just missed the exit.

Let's just take this time off.

What's wrong, Brian? This isn't like you.

But this is me.

No, the Brian I know gets freaked out when he's 5 minutes late for anything.

Didn't you ever have one of those days when you just wanted to explore life and everything around it. You know not just the everyday stuff?

Sure, who doesn't?

I don't. Every morning I get up at 5:30am. Put on a pot of coffee. Put on the Jogging shoes. Head out the door. Run until 6:30am. Take a shower. And get the clothes from the hanger that I selected the night before, get dressed. Read the paper with my coffee and jump in here and be at work by 8:45am. Every day.

For the last 5 years. Every day.


So, what's the change? What's different today than those other days in the last 5 years?

Kevin Sparber.

Did this Kevin Sparber tell you to drive passed your work?

He couldn't have. He's dead.

So if he's dead, what does he have to do with me missing my Japanese appointment?

Kevin and I went to school together. High school. He was a good guy but I never saw him really achieving much. He was always happy, but the thing I didn't ever connect with him on was that he never achieved. He was a slacker. I haven't seen or heard of him since we graduated from High School... like all high school kids did, we lost contact. We're from a small town, and all I ever wanted to do was move to the big city and make it big. Have the best car. The best Job. Respect. Power. Yeah, that's all I ever wanted... until this morning, in between sips of my Sumatra Blend, I read KEVIN SPARBER from Marina, CA leaves behind a wife and 2 kids ages 9 and 4. He's my age... and I came to think to myself. I don't have anything that I can leave behind. How sad is that? I clawed myself up the school and corporate ladder to travel the world and have this success and now not to have anyone to share it with is... sad.

Uh... geez thanks. I thought I was something you'd... fine.

That's not what I meant. I meant that.

Why are you stopping? It's the middle of the freeway.

That's why I wanted to drive passed the lives of us trapped in a building. Why we're here on 101 in the middle of the freeway during rush hour. Look, everyone's constantly moving with a destination in mind, when my destination is sitting right next to me. I want to end the crazy pursuit of what I thought was life. I want to have something to leave behind. I want you. Will you marry me?

DONE! time 11:57pm

I totally forgot the other objective to this exercise and that's to have the other person, NELLY, have a totally DIFFERENT voice!!! she has to sound different and I guess my character of BRIAN got too monologue heavy. Eh, it's an exercise, and I'll learn to get better with each one of these I do. Hmmm... now I gotta come up with a title....

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