Wednesday, March 9, 2011


"Trying to work on a script and developing an artsy-fartsy attitude telling meself that "it feels too early to slip into that writing mood." Not cool to feel that it's "right" to create in that 2-3am world. Need more discipline to be able to write at any time."

The above was a facebook status post. I'm thinking that it's just the atmosphere that I'm writing in: American Idol in one ear and being distracted by it and feels like there's just too much light. In short, I'm not in that zone. I don't think it's a matter of being focused, but more so that I don't have the discipline yet to be able to slip into that zone. Zone: that place (kind of like where I am now) where I have that skill to block out everything around and actually get lost in the world that I'm creating.

Discipline also means that I should block out WRITING TIME every day so that when I do slip into these distracted moments, I know that I can automatically slip into that Zone. Well, I'll have to work on that as well. Being a writer shouldn't be easy at every second when you want it to be. Let's go!

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