Saturday, November 10, 2007

back to reality...

so i workshopped BLANK CANVAS/LEAVING MY <3 IN SF and it didn't go over very well. and to be truthful, the play wasn't my best, WHICH SUCKS!!! cuz I know that i write better than this. I know it and I'm really disappointed in myself more than any ribbing I can take from anyone else. I really can't make excuses, well I can, but that excuse will be remedied very soon... like in 2 weeks :)

but yeah, play sucked, but you know what, it just made me stronger. and it was a real reality check for me cuz after going from a high with the reading I had in Sac in front of an audience to what happened today... it just makes me want to write more than I ever did before. just a little setback. but one thing's for sure, i'm gonna burn this play and start another one... and another one... and just keep trying to get better and better. i've ALWAYS been a slow starter.

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